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Non-Banking Financial Services & Infrastructure Financing play a pivotal role in stability and sustainably of the Indian economy. NBFC sector has, over the years, evolved considerably in terms of size, operations, technological sophistication and entry into newer areas of financial services and products.

The mandate of ASSOCHAM National Council for NBFC & Infrastructure Financing covers the aspects such as the major issues and challenges being faced by the stakeholders and to play a vital role in bridging the gap between the industry, regulator and policymaker. This includes conducting regular council meetings, webinar, summit, e-summit and round table discussions under the guidance of Chairman & Co-Chairman of the council. The ASSOCHAM National Council for NBFC & Infrastructure Financing covers the functions of Public policy advocacy, think tank, awareness & training program and is fully committed in providing their valuable inputs to the relevant Policy Makers & Regulators on the issues being faced by the industry and its resolution plan.

The various stakeholders, regulators and policy makers which are directly or indirectly involved in the council includes Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways; Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Finance, NHAI, HFCs, MFIs, etc.

For further details, please contact rajesh.singh@assocham.com

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