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7th ASSOCHAM Smart Datacenters & Cloud Infrastructure Summit 2025

  • 31 Mar, 2025

Tamil Nadu has emerged as a key hub for data centres, supported by a conducive business environment, a skilled workforce, and strategic infrastructure. These developments not only strengthen Tamil Nadu\'s IT backbone but also contribute significantly to the nation’s digital ecosystem. The state’s growing prominence as a destination for global tech giants and emerging startups alike is a testament to the strategic investments and policies that have paved the way for this transformation.

ASSOCHAM National Data Centre Council was setup in 2019 and has been at the forefront of advocating for policy reforms, sustainability, and technological innovation within the data centre industry. The Council has worked tirelessly to address key challenges, promote industry best practices, and ensure that India’s data infrastructure keeps pace with the global digital transformation. The council organises annually India Smart Datacenters & Cloud Infrastructure Summit with a broader objective of Making India a global hub for Datacenter & Cloud Solutions. The summit brings together the Central and State Governments, Industry players, Investors and other crucial stakeholders under one roof to discuss on legal, policy & regulatory enablers that are essential to develop the digital infrastructure, promote future investments in datacenter industry & strengthen Datacenter & cloud business in India.  

ASSOCHAM proposes to organise the 7th ASSOCHAM Data Centre Summit 2025, with its theme, “Empowering Global Digital Change: Tamil Nadu’s Data & Cloud Vision”, with focus on Tamil Nadu’s evolving role in shaping the future of India’s digital infrastructure in March 2025. The event will highlight the state\'s strategic advantages, including its strong infrastructure, business climate, and renewable energy capabilities; all of which positions Tamil Nadu as a leading destination for data centre investment. The event is poised to be a game-changing event, focused on how the state’s data infrastructure can turbocharge its economy, power global business operations, and set the stage for a future of innovation, growth, and sustainability.

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