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ASSOCHAM's National Roundtable Discussion on "The Indian Stamp Bill, 2023"

  • 15 Feb, 2024
  • 11.00 AM - 01:30 PM

The stamp duty in India is levied by the central government in accordance with the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 vide constitutional provisions and further amendments made thereto. The stamp duty on documents specified in entry 91 of the union list of the Seventh Schedule is levied by union and on other documents are levied and collected by the states. Stamp duty contributes a very significant proportion of the government’s revenue and the same is appropriated by the states in accordance with the guidelines outlined in Article 268 of the Constitution. With India undertaking economic reforms and promoting ease of doing business, several provisions of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 have been found to be redundant.

ASSOCHAM has been at the forefront in this process and has raised various issues being faced by the stakeholders across the country relating to Stamp Duty Act. It has strongly advocated the demand for “One Nation, One Stamp Duty” before the government of India over the years. The Government of India has now proposed to repeal the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and proposes to replace it with new regime.  The Indian Stamp Bill, 2023 seeks public comments and the same can be downloaded from https://www.dor.gov.in/tax/stamp-duty-2023.

It is in this backdrop that ASSOCHAM is organizing a Roundtable Discussion on “Indian Stamp Bill 2023” on Thursday, 15th February 2024 in New Delhi, India and inviting the stakeholders to participate and contribute with clause wise perspectives for consideration before the same is finalized by the government.

Invitation for delegate nomination/ registration:

We take this opportunity to cordially invite you to join and/ or nominate with the subject matter expertise for their participation in the programme.

The participants having relevant recommendations/ comments with interest to contribute on the subject are invited to register for the National Roundtable Discussion on “Indian Stamp Bill, 2023”.

Please refer to the brochure for more details.

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