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The Indian automobile industry is one of the largest growing markets in the world and contributes highly to the country\'s manufacturing facilities. It has been adding more than 7% to the national GDP, nearly 22% of manufacturing GDP and providing around 7-8% percent of the total employment in the country. India's automotive industry is one of the beacons of the country's industrial performance and power.

India's emergence as a global auto hub bears testimony to the technical competence, world class scale and entrepreneurial drive of both OEMs and suppliers alike. Many of them have built strong international brands, with significant exports and a significant presence in both developing and developed markets. It has shown the ability to learn from the best in the world while continuously retaining focus on efficient cost structures and value for money products.

The Indian Government's intention to move from fossil fuel to clean fuel going forward is a positive step towards positioning us at the forefront of the global quest for clean mobility. The onus of preparing the nation for clean mobility is however not on the government alone. Auto-component suppliers need to swiftly catch up on green technology and business readiness by technology acquisitions, collaborations, and capability demonstrations. The National Council on Auto & Auto Ancillaries of ASSOCHAM aims at putting forth industry issues before the Government for the growth and development of the sector.

For further details, please contact d.s.rajora@assocham.com

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